Photo of Rick JohnstoneRichard A. Johnstone

Rick Johnstone serves as President and founder of the 501-c-3 non-profit corporation IVM Partners and is Owner of VMES, LLC vegetation management consulting. He directs vegetation management research and training under IVM Partners and is a liaison and advisor for federal, state and tribal land management agencies, electric and natural gas utilities, universities and conservationists. Under VMES he provides vegetation management consultation and is an expert witness in litigation. Rick served as System Forester for two electric utilities and is past President of the Utility Arborist Association and a Registered Professional Forester with a BS degree in Forest Resources Management from West Virginia University. He has over 47 years experience and is a technical advisor for restoring native pollinator and wildlife habitat using cost effective integrated vegetation management strategies.

Phone: 302-299-5919

Rick Johnstone CV